Art Reproduction


Art reproduction

Let us help you create beautiful reproductions of your original artwork. There are many reasons for making reproductions. The main one is to increase the revenue you can make without having to continue creating originals. Why not allow a wider audience to share, and in most cases afford, your creativity. You can create a larger audience and customer base while giving the original artwork higher value. One popular artist allows people to print their own versions of his work for gratis while his originals attract huge sums.

The process

Digital Capture - Colour proofing - Production of Prints

Digital Capture
First of all there is scanning verses photographing the original artwork. Both have the same principle. A camera and light system are used to create a digital copy of the artwork. The mechanical process is different. In photography the camera and artwork usually remain fixed and an image is made of the artwork. Sometimes several images of the one artwork are joined together to give a larger resolution image so that more detail and depth are capture. While with scanning either the camera tracks across the artwork capturing lines as it goes or the image moves in front of the camera.

One thing that is different is the capturing of texture. Scanning usually produces a flat image where photographing can produce a flat image or one that uses subtle shadows to show the original texture of the work.

We use a digital large format system with superior optics and capture chip to create the reproductions.

Colour Proofing
As an artist you know that different materials, pigments, textures look and feel different in different light conditions. Most things respond differently to different types of light. If you view your art outside in bright daylight it looks different in a room under fluorescent lights. This is the same when an artwork is photographed. Some pigments and surfaces respond differently to the light used to make the photograph and need to be slightly adjusted to suite the original.

There are a range of substrates available including fine art cotton papers and canvases. This is an individual artist choice. You may wish to print on canvas because the original is on canvas or you may offer the artwork on paper.

Get in touch today to talk about the possibilities.

Peter - or 0419 771 300